torsdag 17 januari 2008

Dagens Citat, so far...

"Somebody in Spain had actually stolen my trousers out of my dressing room. We were shooting a video at these shows, and we'd filmed all the close-ups the first night and the second night we were shooting all the far-away shots.

I had to wander around and try to find myself a pair of stretchified, leathery-type rock star pants, which chances were about zero of getting. We found some women's clothing store that had some patent-looking PVC things that you would wear to some cheesy Saturday-night disco. We thought we'd take those and put some crap on them and from a distance, it might look alright.

So, I barely squeezed into them - they were tight. I got on stage and everyone was looking at me, just staring. I looked down and, well, they had split in just such a way that all my equipment was hanging out. We were in the middle of the show, so we had to carry on. The best I could do was put a piece of black gaff tape over myself. I'll tell you, I've never had a Brazilian wax, but after the show, it came close."

- Bruce Dickinson

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