tisdag 30 september 2008

Dagens citat

"When I saw the kiss, I was thinking I could take it or leave it, but the minute the corporate suits started saying 'No kiss' was the minute I started saying 'Nope, the kiss stays.' We had a band meeting and voted to keep the kiss. We did have a huge backlash from the collage-frat-boys segment of our audience. We got letters denouncing us as 'fags,' and rumours started spreading, and we started to second-guess our decision. But then we figured, 'Fuck it. Maybe it was time to thin out the yokels anyway.' If they couldn't accept what we were doing, we didn't need them anymore."

- Anthony Kiedis, angående hans kyss med Dave Navarro i videon till Warped.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Att folk retar sig på sådant är ju bara löjligt. Rätt gjort, Anthony. Stick it to the man! (Ingen homoerotisk metafor menad, men tolka det som du vill!)

Pedagogen sa...

Hahaha. Det var ju i och för sig ett antal år sedan, folk skulle förmodligen knappt uppmärksamma det nu. Jag tycker det är mest likgiltligheten till vad andra tycker, samt sättet han använder ordet "yokel" om collegestudenter är det roliga i det här fallet dock :)